Danny Brown is a artist and designer, from Liverpool; who specialises in Creative Digital Technology and Interactive Design as well as Applied Arts. After leaving school he joined Amaze, the design company attached to the Liverpool Metropolitan University. Danny Brown has developed his own specialist area using generative animation – using patterns that continually grow, develop and mutate within a set of programmed rules. His subjects that he uses in his work, Flowers and Butterflies for example, is inspired by the growth of shapes and patterns in nature.
I have never seen some of his work before however after finding him on the Internet due to this blog, it has made me a massive fan of his work. I love the floral pieces of work where he manipulates digital images to create his petals. I have also liked this sort of effect after myself experimenting with a similar technique of layering images. I will definitely be looking into his work further and using it as inspiration within my own style.