Lars Von Trier

Lars Von Trier is one of the worlds most famous and controversial director & screenwriters ever. He is best known for his passion and motivation, which make his films sometimes the most shocking and yet interesting for the audience. He is even said to have a set of rules to abide by whilst considering the next films ideas/location, without having to use the same-old "Hollywood Set" that others do. This is where is motto "a film should be like a stone in your shoe" originates from as he strives be different from other film makers. 

He started his career by publicly realising the film "The Orchid Gardener" which was an experimental film with a mysterious and symbolic plot, in 1977. His career grew fast from here and was later known as the co-founder of  Zentropa Entertainment, along with producer Peter Jenson. Furthermore he started the film movement Dogme 95, which has created more interest in Danish films, and inspired film makers all over the world. Some of his awards include: Palme d'Or, the Grand Prix, and the Prix du Jury at the Cannes Film Festival.

I have seen a few of Trier's films however one that I remember the most is 'Dancer in the Dark' which is a musical staring Bjork. 

Although I agree with others that his work is controversial and sometimes out-of-the-ordinary, however I like the idea of this as he is an artist via a camera; his unique style is what sets him apart from others and makes him more sort-after and memorable. Something that we strive for as artists.